5.5.1 What it does?

The all-in-one module is a wrapper script designed to streamline the execution of all four previously described modules in a single run, avoiding repeated input.

5.5.2 Example

nasap all --read1 ../data/test_r1.fq.gz --adapter1 TGGAATTCTCGGGTGCCAAGG --bowtie_index ../data/hg38_bowtie2_index/hg38_bowtie2_index --gtf ../data/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.93.gtf --output_root ./tmp --tf_source ../data/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38_tf_target.txt --cores 12


parameter description
--bowtie_index (Required) bowtie2 index file.
--gtf (Required) gtf file.
--read1 (Required) Sample FASTQ(gz) file.
--read2 (Optional) Mate pair end FASTQ(gz) file.
--adapter1 (Optional) Adapter sequence.
--adapter2 (Optional) Adapter sequence for read2.
--umi (Optional) UMI location.
--cores (Optional) Multiprocess num.
--tf_source (Required) bowtie2 index file.
--tf_filter_nodes (Optional) gtf file.
--enhancer_source (Optional) Sample FASTQ(gz) file.
--enhancer_filter_nodes (Optional) Mate pair end FASTQ(gz) file.
--output_root (Optional) Output root directory.